* Required Fields
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Street Number
Street Name
State QueenslandAustralian Capital TerritoryNew South WalesVictoriaSouth AustraliaWestern AustraliaTasmaniaNorthern Territory
How long have you lived at your current address?
What weekly rent do you pay?
Date of Birth
Start date of current employment
Gross Annual Income
Family Allowance
Other Income YesNo
Marital Status
No. of Children
Home Phone *
Mobile *
Home Loan YesNo
Investment Loan YesNo
Building Loan YesNo
Land Loan YesNo
What is the price of your purchase?
Will you be occupying the house? Yes, I will be occupyingNo, renting as investment
If you are buying an investment house, what weekly rental income do you expect to receive?
What is the Address of the house you are purchasing?
Postal Code
Do you have any savings?
Have you had a deposit?
Are you eligible for first home Grant? YesNo
Have you signed a contract to purchase? YesNo
Do you have any credit defaults? YesNo
Please list known defaults below (If you're unsure, we can perform a check as your agent)
Payment Date
Please list all current loans
Lender (e.g. Westpac etc)
Amount Owing?
Monthly repayments
Please list all credit cards
Issuer (e.g, Westpac etc)
Card Limit
Currently Owing
Your contact details
Email Address *
Daytime Phone *
Best time to call
Please add any additional comments that may help us *
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